Sunday 29 March 2009

The Experiences of Venetia Giles

I hope she doesn't mind, but a conversation with Venetia Giles I had recently threw two new schools into my searchlight.

The first is the one she attended- Atlantic College. It's very international, but extraordinarily expensive to attend as well (she said £34,000pa). However a reasonable proportion of pupils are paid for by bursaries from companies. She was paid for by Travis Perkins the builders' merchant!

The other one was the Edinburgh Steiner School which she visited and said was wonderful. It is apparently very different from the Staverton one which is interesting as I had kind of assumed they were all quite similar. Both are worth a visit for anyone who hasn't experienced such a thing before. I will try to get in contact with Venetia and get her comments.

1 comment:

  1. As well as attending Sands School, as you know, I also went to both the Steiner school South Devon, and the Steiner school Kings Langley. The two Steiner schools were vastly different, as are both the Steiner schools from Sands. And while I got lots out of each of them in one way or another, Sands is and was by far my favourite.
